P - Pharmacies

Doctor please, some more of these; outside the door she took four more”

Pharmacies are possibly the most important “cog” in the health care system along the coast. Our local pharmacists are almost like general practitioners: symptoms are presented to the pharmacist and he provides a solution.

(We do have an actual physician in town as well as a small, non-surgical hospital. The pharmacists provide solutions for simpler ails like stomach aches or muscle soreness.)

At my last count, we have at eight pharmacies in town:

  • Cruz Azul (Blue Cross): A national chain chain that recently moved to a new location and expanded.
  • Pharmacia Santa Martha: They have three locations in town and are an expanding presence. (I don’t know how pervasive they are in Ecuador, but I have seen them in other towns.)
  • FarmaReds: It is across the street from the hospital and partnered with…
  • Pharmacia Kellita: This one is next to the church and is rarely open.
  • Lilibeth: Kitty-corner from TIA, this seems to be about the oldest one in town and appears to be losing traction to the newer pharmacies.
  • A no-name pharmacy on the Malecon.

I mention the last one because it is the entire purpose for writing this post; it is something that only a no-wristwatch person would notice.

It is run by a very sweet older lady who is very deliberate with her actions. Her medications are all displayed in a series of jewelry-style cases, and her children have arranged the display alphabetically to assist her.

The inside joke is to walk in and ask for an aspirina. While she is hunting through the “A”s, sneak down to the other end of the display and pocket all of the Xanax. (I would never do this, of course, and I’ll personally put a thumpin’ on someone who does, but it still makes a funny joke.)


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