R - Roller Skating

For all the world like an urban toreador, she had wheels on – on her feet”

There is a new event in town and it’s pretty exciting to see: youth roller skating.

One of the expatriates that lives here, a fervent hockey fan from the northeast United States, has introduced skating classes for the kids in town. Originally meeting just once a week, they now have multiple practices weekly. In these meetings, the profesor is teaching the kids the basics of skating: stopping, turning, avoiding obstacles, going backwards, etc.

Recently, they held their first “event”. The kids (about 20 of them) gathered in the paved soccer field/roller rink at the end of the pier and posed for pictures in their new t-shirts, very generously sponsored by the Victor Hugo Hotel. After that, they skated through town on the Malecon with parents following, drawing attention from both locals and visitors. Afterward, they returned to the rink for a light practice and snacks.

The surprising part: the “kids”, ranging in age from 5 – 15, are all girls. The sessions are open to anyone, but (with the exception of one occasional four-year-old boy) only girls attend. The profesor has stated the significance of this in his view, and I completely agree:

The boys have always had soccer for their bonding and physical group activity. This is providing a similar level of athletic achievement for the girls, and I can see their self-confidence growing with every practice we have.” (Quote paraphrased)

I like these practices for the same reason he does: it provides another growth opportunity for the girls/women in our town.


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